



來源:http://fjdefa.com/ 時間: 2024-12-14 瀏覽次數: 0


  When using an ultrasonic cleaning machine, the following are some taboos to avoid:

  不要先開機后倒清潔液 :應先倒入清潔液,再打開開關。

  Do not turn on the machine first and then pour in the cleaning solution: you should pour in the cleaning solution first and then turn on the switch.

  避免使用危險清潔液 :不要使用易燃、腐蝕性、易爆的清潔劑。

  Avoid using hazardous cleaning solutions: Do not use flammable, corrosive, or explosive cleaning agents.

  確保電源接地 :超聲波清洗機電源和電熱器電源必須有良好的接地裝置。

  Ensure power grounding: The ultrasonic cleaning machine power supply and electric heater power supply must have good grounding devices.

  無清洗液開機 :清洗缸中沒有加一定數量的清洗液時,不得開啟超聲波開關。

  Start up without cleaning solution: Do not turn on the ultrasonic switch when a certain amount of cleaning solution is not added to the cleaning tank.

  無液加熱 :有加熱設備的超聲波清洗機嚴禁無液時打開加熱開關。

  Liquid free heating: Ultrasonic cleaning machines with heating equipment are strictly prohibited from turning on the heating switch when there is no liquid.5D3_3970-副本

  防止液體進入機器內部 :避免清洗液和水進入機箱內,以免損壞電子元件。

  Prevent liquids from entering the interior of the machine: Avoid cleaning solutions and water from entering the chassis to prevent damage to electronic components.

  不要長時間連續工作 :建議每次工作時間不超過30分鐘,之后應關閉20分鐘以上再重新啟動。

  Do not work continuously for long periods of time: It is recommended to work for no more than 30 minutes each time, and then turn off for more than 20 minutes before restarting.

  避免放入過多溶劑 :清洗槽中的溶劑不應超過儲罐的一半。

  Avoid adding too much solvent: The solvent in the cleaning tank should not exceed half of the storage tank.

  不要使用易碎、精密或電器設備 :易碎物品、精密儀器和電器設備不適合用超聲波清洗機清洗。

  Do not use fragile, precision or electrical equipment: Fragile items, precision instruments and electrical equipment are not suitable for cleaning with ultrasonic cleaning machines.

  定期維護 :定期更換濾網、清洗機器內部、檢查電線和插頭等。

  Regular maintenance: replace the filter screen regularly, clean the interior of the machine, check the wires and plugs, etc.


  Please ensure to follow the above precautions to ensure safe use and effective cleaning

  本文由 超聲波清洗機  友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊   http://fjdefa.com   真誠的態度.為您提供為全面的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from an ultrasonic cleaning machine For more related knowledge, please click http://fjdefa.com Sincere attitude To provide you with comprehensive services We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone Coming soon.









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